Cherokee Town & Country Club

The distinguished Cherokee Town & Country Club was founded with the 1956 acquisition of a historic 1914 mansion built by railroad magnate John Grant on a large piece of land, which had through the years become embedded within the fashionable Buckhead area of Atlanta. Since 1956, the facility has been enlarged tenfold to match its growing membership’s needs, including all the amenities of a premier private club. Choate + Hertlein Architects has been a part of master planning, renovating, and expanding the club for almost 20 years.

Cherokee Town & Country Club

Atlanta, GA

photo credit: Phillip Spears

The master plan has been updated 3 times, and building design work implemented by C+H over the years includes expansion of various dining venues, the kitchen, expanded fitness, an added tavern, exterior terraces added with new wood-burning fireplaces, and a new tennis center with open pavilion.

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